
北米「非在来型エネルギー」と投資戦略 その4 パイプライン会社


北米のパイプライン会社では、多くの場合、資産と運営を別会社化しています。資産はMLP(マスターリミテッドパートナーシップ)というビークルで保有し、そのビークルに投資家の資金を招き、投資家はLPLimited Partner:有限責任の投資家)として資産を保有することになります。ビークルを上場させて、LPの持分は株式の様に売買出来るようになっています。




また、巨額の設備投資を先に行うので、投資する側も事前に需要家と長期の契約(または見込み)を締結してから投資に着手するので(Take or Pay:需要家が資源を購入すると決めたら、契約期間中必ずそれに見合った代金を支払わなければならない拘束性のある長期契約を結ぶ)、運び屋たるパイプライン会社には設備投資のリスクは低いことになります(しかし、時々パイプラインが事故を起こして原油をアラスカの森林にまき散らした、とかいうことが話題になりますので、そういうリスクはあります。また多少レバレッジを利かせるので、金利上昇局面ではコスト高になることも想定される)。

また、パイプラインの運賃もアメリカ国内のInter Stateベースの場合は当局によって上限が決まっており(物価により改訂がある)、個別にはボリュームディスカウントやスポット価格など、利用者との契約が定められます。つまり、パイプライン会社の収益の中心は、相場に左右されにくいフィーベースで長期契約の中に立っている点に特徴があります





J-REITの場合、資産残高に応じてフィーが支払われる仕組みになっていますが、MLPの場合は運営会社であるGPの報酬はLPの配当収入から賄われるため、LPの投資家とGPのインセンティブが同じになり易い点が投資家にはGood Newsだと思います。





したがって、多くのMLPは毎年増配(配当と呼ばずに分配と呼んでいますが)を行っていてDividend Growth Stockとなっています。




(売却単価-取得単価-元本償還部分)×数量 が売却差益となるようです。

私は、初めMLPになんとか投資しようと色々調べましたが、10年保有を前提とした場合、ガイジンである私にはとても税金計算に自信が持てない(アメリカに確定申告する必要性があるとのこと)ため、MLPGive upしてしまいました(MLPETFもあるようですが税務は同じです。ETNというのもありますが、今度は組成している金融機関リスクがありで、あきらめました。ETNを発行する金融機関が破綻すればETNもパアになるらしい)。

MLP以外にパイプライン会社への投資を行うにはどうすればいいのか? と散々探して、LP投資をするのではなく、一般法人としてパイプラインを運営している会社と先程のGPに投資する、ということに行き着きました。

調整局面で投資を考えているのが、Kinder Morgan Inc.KMIというKinder Morgan Partners(KMP)というMLPの持ち株会社とカナダのEnbridge Inc.ENBも投資を考えています。TransCanadaTRP)はさらに買い増しを考えています。



にほんブログ村 株ブログ サラリーマン投資家へ

7 件のコメント:

  1. <米国産シェールガスの輸出政策について>
    The USA will permit limited exports

    From a country that was about to become an importer of LNG, in less than a decade the US has become one of the world's biggest gas producers, with gas reserves that can meet consumption for the next 120 years. Large quantities of gas that countries such as Trinidad, Algeria, and Qatar earmarked for the US market have been diverted to Europe.

    The big question is whether the US will decide to export its cheap gas. If it does, gas prices in Europe and the East are liable to plunge. Dr. Brenda Shaffer, an expert on international energy markets in the University of Haifa's School of Political Science, does not believe that this will happen soon. "The US will probably allow specific exports from a few areas in which large gas surpluses have arisen, such as Louisiana, but we will probably not see a strategic policy change in the coming years," she says.

    According to Shaffer, voices are growing louder in the US calling for gas to be retained for the local market. "The Federal Energy Department in the US reached the conclusion that the main benefit that can be derived from the gas is not through exports but through domestic consumption, in order to lower energy costs to industry and boost the competitiveness of the US manufacturing sector."

  2. <承前>


  3. snowbeeさん、情報ありがとうございます。

  4. <アメリカ経済は先行き強気か>

    There are a couple of positive factors in the U.S. economy. Major technological advances in the oil & gas industry have caused the U. S. to have an increase in oil production for the first time in over twenty years. A large percentage of the employment gains in the U.S. have been in the oil & gas industry.

    The decrease in natural gas prices is lowering the cost to manufacturing companies. Utilities, where they are able, are changing from coal to natural gas for electricity production.

    This should help lower utility costs, helping the U.S. economy. In addition, the increased production of natural gas liquids such as ethane, propane and butane has lowered the input costs for the chemical industry. As a result, chemical companies are moving production back to the U. S. from overseas.

    This also will reduce the balance of trade deficit and add jobs. Chemical plants in the Gulf Coast are expanding capacity at strong clips. In addition, for every one million barrels per day of oil increase, our balance of trade imbalance drops by $40 billion per year.

    The Keystone pipeline project would have helped our oil supply. Canada produces more oil than they need domestically so they are in need of an ability to export oil. They really only have two choices: go west to the Pacific Ocean or south to the Gulf Coast. It is easier for them to ship oil downhill from Canada to the Gulf Coast than across the Canadian Rockies.

    This additional crude would have also allowed our refiners to make profits on the value added by refining the heavy crude and exporting gasoline thus adding employment and reducing our balance of trade even more.

    Even without this pipeline, Kinder Morgan and Enterprise Products are expanding their current pipelines and will move more U.S. oil to our refineries, thus reducing our balance of trade cost and putting people to work. These beliefs cause us to stay with an overweighting in our basic portfolio allocations to industrial in our Growth Plus Portfolio.

    We like Caterpillar (CAT), Deere & Company (DE), Honeywell International (HON), United Technologies (UTX), Emerson Electric (EMR), and Cummins (CMI) in the industrial sector. In the energy service sector we like Helmerich & Payne (HP), Cameron International (CAM), Halliburton (HAL), Mitcham Industries (MIND) and Schlumberger (SLB). Commodities and energy have changed very little.

    We also continue to favor Continental Resources (CLR), Anadarko Petroleum (APC) and EOG Resources (EOG) in energy. GeoResources (GEOI) was an energy name that we held, but we have decided to sell out of it since they received a buyout offer at a price that gave

  5. 原記事のURLは下記:


  6. <シェールガス価格の値下がりが引き金となり、ソーラー発電価格も半減したと>
    Apr 12, 2012 Green energy may yet survive poison of cheap gas
    (The author is a Reuters Breakingviews columnist. The opinions expressed are his own.)

    By Christopher Swann

    NEW YORK, April 12 (Reuters Breakingviews) – The cheapest natural gas price for a decade is a boon for American homeowners. At less than $2 per million British thermal units, though, it looks toxic for its already troubled rival, the solar energy sector. But gas isn’t close to chocking the life out of it just yet.

    There’s certainly enough bad news to go round. Energy bigwigs at a conference this week identified the rock-bottom gas price as the biggest short-term obstacle to developing greener fuel sources. As if to underline the point, the benchmark gas price dipped to its lowest level since January 2002 as they were talking. Meanwhile, solar plant developer BrightSource Energy pulled its initial public offering on Wednesday, citing poor market conditions. On top of last year’s controversial bankruptcy of Solyndra and the 85 percent drop in industry leader First Solar’s (FSLR.O: Quote, Profile, Research) share price over the past 12 months, the sector looks far from healthy.

    Still, greens shouldn’t lose heart. The price of generating electricity from the sun’s rays has been falling almost in tandem with gas prices. The wholesale price of panels halved last year, as have solar generation prices: a typical long-term contract in California, a sweet spot for the industry, has plummeted from about 17 cents per kilowatt hour in 2010 to as low as 8 cents, according to Green Tech Media. That brings some solar capacity within striking distance of natural gas at around 6 cents.

    And solar power has a distinct advantage: its costs can be locked in 25 years in advance. Gas offers no such guarantee. For an electric utility this is equivalent to a cautious homeowner opting for a safer fixed rate mortgage over a risky floating rate loan.

    Moreover, the current bargain U.S. gas price can’t be relied on to last forever, even with hydraulic fracturing uncovering vast troves of the resource. America is also likely to start exporting gas in the next few years, which could tug the nation’s gas price back toward the global average – currently roughly five times higher.

  7. Snowbeeさん、情報ありがとうございます。

